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Time Management Tips for Students

College students face unique challenges when it comes to balancing their studies, work, and personal obligations. Here we offer some tips and tricks to help these students better manage their time when there are competing priorities. Managing Study Time as a College Student Fortunately, there are several simple tips that you can implement into your study schedule to make your educational journey smoother and easier to manage. Set a Schedule Keeping organized is the single best way to make sure that you are staying on track. Make sure that you always know what assignments need to be completed by what time so that you don't miss any deadlines. Of course, as an adult student, setting a schedule can be easier said than done but it's still important to try. In addition to keeping track of academic deadlines, make sure that you know what else you will need to do on a given day for work or other obligations. Scheduling your time carefully takes practice, but it ...

TimeTable for ICSE,CBSE and State Boards 2023( Class 10th and 12th)

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations has released ICSE, ISC Time Table 2023. The exam schedule has been released for Class 10 and Class 12 and is available to candidates on the official site of CISCE at  Click Here   You can  " search in this site" to get notes,previois year question papers and answers, special tricks and tips to score well in exams.  Click On State Boards to know about states. As per the schedule, Class 10 or ICSE examinations will begin on February 27, 2023 and will end on March 29, 2023. The examination duration is for 2 hours every day and will begin at 11 am on some days or at 9 am on other days. ICSE exam will commence with English Paper I and will end with Biology Science Paper 3. Class 12 or ISC examination will commence from February 13, 2023 with English Paper I. The last date of the examination is till March 31, 2023. The exam duration is for 3 hours and exams on most of the days will begin at 2 pm onwards. Th...

E-Raksha Competition By NCERT

eRaksha Competition The goal of eRaksha competition is to enable young people across age groups to become responsible digital citizens, following the required safety norms and procedures. The Competition provides concrete and immersive experience of cyber security concepts to the young learners, educators , school authorities and parents, to understand and imbibe cyber security terminologies, threats, challenges, and safety techniques while designing their own submissions. It also gives them opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills, collaborate and network with domain experts and learn by solving complex challenges during the Cyber Camps organised by CyberPeace Foundation and NCERT Participants are required to create and upload an artwork (poster, banner), podcast, video, essay, blog or a software application aligning with the topic, which should be original, unique and created by them. The last three editions of e-Raksha 2019, e-Raksha 2020, and e-Raksha 2021...

Are IITs Safe for Women?

What is the experience of studying in a classroom with a skewed gender ratio? Women make up about 18 to 20 per cent of every classroom. This means that there are enough girls on campus and there’s no need to feel scared. More so, there is no gender-based discrimination in any branch of engineering. There are equal opportunities for all genders. You can work with professors or on student-run activities in different branches that are of your interest and this is purely based on merit and aptitude. Do students witness misogyny or sexism on campus? We cannot say that there is no discrimination at all in society at large. People in the institute also come from the same social settings. You may experience that certain things are said just because you are a woman. There could be instances when you encounter sexist behaviour. But it is important to note that there are systems or offices in place to address these situations. Apart from offices such as the gender cell at IIT B...

3 Modes of Education and How to Improve Them

THE THREE MODES OF EDUCATION The National Education Policy has enabled three modes of education -- conventional on-campus education, distance education or correspondence, and online education. The conventional mode is still the most popular one, in which the knowledge exchange takes place in an immersive campus learning environment through face-to-face classroom interactions. Both students and teachers follow a structured schedule and curriculum that determines the learning pace. Students are also part of the larger campus community enabling peer learning and enhanced faculty/industry interactions. Distance mode emerged in the last three decades and is popular among experienced professionals or individuals of the working age. Printed self-learning materials prepared by the enrolled universities are the primary source of learning. Limited interactions with co-learners and instructors are available. Study centres play an intermediatory role among students and the instituti...

Online Vs Offline Education

The emergence of internet services sowed the seeds of online learning in the early stages of the technological revolution. However, with the advent of digital transformation, the wide acceptance of the internet and its penetration into the daily lives of people broadened the scope of online education. The education sector is undergoing a digital leap. Learning is no longer confined to the four walls of a classroom. Rapid technology changes, internet penetration and growing demand for skill-based workforce has led learners to adopt a flexible learning route which allows them to study at their own convenience. From a being a ‘good to have’ option for educational institutes and corporates, it’s become mission-critical to have an online play. This has given rise to a range of edtech players across the learner lifecycle right from pre-primary, through K-12 and then higher education and professional certifications. While these trends have opened doors in the education sector, ...

Secrets To Get Great Marks

You Can Now Take Back Control Your Grades and Decide What Your Transcript will Say  Simply Implementing The Most Advanced Study Secrets Ever Discovered Here are just a few of the ‘problems’ that will never bother you again : IMAGINE… Having a Clear and CONCENTRATED mind during an exam…So YOU NEVER Need to rush, and you will be able to answer every question on the paper. Having the Ability to focus and pick out the key points necessary Always achieving top of the class grades …Because you have mastered how to REALLY manage your time once and for all! You will ALWAYS know you have done enough study. Being able to remember large volumes of information for any test, any time Having a Total Understanding of each and every subject you sit an exam for. To concentrate and understand absolutely everything you study! Witnes...


NATIONAL ENTRANCE SCREENING TEST 2022 Please refer to the instruction sheet (the ‘How to Apply Online’ tab on for details regarding the application process. Admit card: The admit card for NEST 2022 will be available for downloading from June 06, 2022. Admit cards will NOT be dispatched to any applicant. Applicants must download their admit cards from NEST website (after login). The download link will be available only till the day of the examination. Address for correspondence: Any NEST 2022 related queries be addressed to: by postal mail: Chief Coordinator, NEST 2022 UM-DAE CEBS, Nalanda Building, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098, India by e-mail to: a quicker response email is recommended) The official website of NEST 2022 is: Important Dates: • Start of Online application for NEST 2022: February 21, 2022 • Closing of Online application: May 18, 2022 (midnight) • Download of Admit Card b...

NEST 2022

NATIONAL ENTRANCE SCREENING TEST 2022 NEST 2022 Merit List preparation This section lists rules employed for the preparation of merit list in National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) 2022.    NEST EXAM 2022 ANSWER KEYS RELEASED AND RESULTS ANNOUNCED. MERIT LIST OUT.   NATIONAL ENTRANCE SCREENING TEST 2022 Please refer to the instruction sheet (the ‘How to Apply Online’ tab on for details regarding the application process. Admit card: The admit card for NEST 2022 will be available for downloading from June 06, 2022. Admit cards will NOT be dispatched to any applicant. Applicants must download their admit cards from NEST website (after login). The download link will be available only till the day of the examination. Address for correspondence: Any NEST 2022 related queries be addressed to: by postal mail: Chief Coordinator, NEST 2022 UM-DAE CEBS, Nalanda Building, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098, India by e-mail...

Jee Main 2022 June Session Answer Key

(उच्चत्तर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन( (An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India) सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, e-mail: वेबसाइट / Website, PUBLIC NOTICE 02 July 2022 Sub: Display of Provisional Answer Keys and Question Paper with Recorded   Responses for Answer Key Challenge for JEE (Main) – 2022 Session 1 - Reg.   The JEE (Main) - 2022 Session 1 was conducted throughout the Country and abroad from 23  June to 29 June 2022 in the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. The National Testing Agency has uploaded the Provisional Answer Keys for Paper 1  (B.E./B.Tech.), Paper 2A (B.Arch.), and Paper 2B (B.Planning) along with the Question  Paper with Recorded Responses on the website for candidates to  challenge. The procedure (as enclosed at Annexure...

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