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ISC English Language Previous Year Question Paper 2013 Solved for Class 12

 ISC English Language Previous Year Question Paper 2013 Solved for Class 12 Question 1. Write a composition (in approximately 450-500 words) on any one of the following subjects: [30] (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.) (a) ‘One should judge a man not by what he has, but by what he is. ’ Express your views on this statement. (b) Write a description of the most interesting person you have ever met. (c) It is right for a person to interfere in the affairs of another. ’ Write for or against this statement. (d) Memories. (e) Relate how travel has been of educational value to you. (f) Write an original story with the following ending : “…………………… It was exactly as he had said it would be.” Answers: (a) Make use of the following hints and develop them into a complete essay. man may be rich but dishonest and greedy a man may be poor and humble very...


  CISCE,ICSE,ISC exams will end in June CISCE said that the situation due to COVID-19 being faced by the students/ teachers and schools is unprecedented. Therefore, "in order to ensure a conducive environment to the students for the exams and based on the feedback and consultations with 'diverse stakeholders", the board has decided to conduct the exams between May and June. ICSE 2020; ISC 2020; PHYSICS 2020; CHEMISTRY 2020;BIOLOGY 2020;ENGLISH 1 2020;ISC ENG,PHY,CHEM,BIO,COMP,ODIA,HINDI ,LANGUAGE,2021,ISC 2021,ICSE 2021. ISC 2022 BOARD PAPER,ICSE 2022 BOARD,CBSE 2022 BOARD,,, All on this same site.


  Indian Navy Indian Navy (IN) alias Bharatiya Nau Sena is the Naval branch of the armed forces of India whose history can be traced back to 1612. It is the world's fifth largest and reliable three dimensional force, capable of operating above, on and under surfaces of the oceans. Navy is responsible for the Defence and security of India's maritime interests. A fleet of submarines, destroyers, freights and other support vessels operate under the Indian Navy. The glorious and challenging career in Indian navy is entirely different from other professions. Besides giving an opportunity for the youngsters to display their leadership skills, this career bestows one with a tremendous amount of responsibility. It is a profession which gives a highest level of security and comfort that is almost unheard of in civilian life together with the chance to travel widely, meet new people and to enjoy warmth and amity. A career in Indian Navy offers immense facilities, a privileged lifestyle,...

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