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B.Sc 2nd Year All Subjects Notes & Study Materials

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B.Sc Physics Honours(3rd sem and 4th Sem)

Syllabus 3rd Semester

Waves and Oscillations (Part-VI)

Credits: 02 (Marks: 50) Periods: 45 

Unit –I: Waves: (10 Periods)

Wave velocity and particle velocity, Differential equation of wave motion, Energy of
a plane progressive wave, Equation of motion of a vibrating string, Velocity of
transverse waves along a string, Frequency and period of vibration of a string,

Unit—II: Stationary waves: (11 Periods)

Analytical treatment of stationary waves (closed end& open end pipe at the other end),
Investigation of pressure and density changes at displacement Nodes and Antinodes,
Distribution of Energy in a stationary wave, Energy is not transferred in a stationary waves.

Unit - III: Free and Forced Vibrations: ( 12 Periods )

Free Vibrations, Forced Vibrations, Resonance, Oscillatory Motion of a particle from
energy considerations, Damped simple harmonic motion, Aperodic, Critically Damped
Oscillatory Motions, Effect of damping on Frequency, Forced Vibrations, resonance and
sharpness of resonance.

Unit –IV: Acoustics and Ultrasonics: (12 Periods)

Reverberation, Reverberation time, Derivation of Reverberation Time (Sabine’s
formula), Absorption coefficient, Determination of absorption coefficient(reverberation
Chember Method), Conditions for good acoustical designs of auditorium, Ultrasonics,
Piezo-electric & magnetostriction effect, Piezoelectric Oscillator, magnetostriction
oscillator, Detection of ultrasonic waves: Acoustic grating 

Books Recommended:
1. Waves and Oscillations – Brijlal and Subrahmanyam. (Vikas Publishing House)
2. Text Book of Sound with Theory of Oscillations and waves – D. R. Khanna and
R. S. Bedi.(Atma Ram & Sons Delhi)
3. A text book of Sound - N. Subrahmanyam, Brijlal
4. Sound - M. Ghosh
5. Text Book of Sound - Sharma & Saxena (New Age international publishers)
6. Physics of Vibrations & Waves - H.J.Pain (John Wiley & So

  1. Wave Theory and Interference [Optics]
  2.  Dispersion & Scattering, Diffraction and Laser [Optics]
  3. Polarization [Optics] 
  4. Network Theorems and Semiconductor & Diodes  
  5. Digital Electronics 
  6.  Download Complete Text Book

Statistical Physics, Electromagnetic Theory & Relativity (P-VII)

Credits: 02 (Marks: 50) Periods: 45

Unit -I: Statistical Basis and Thermodynamics (12 Periods) 

Statistical Basis, probability , probability and frequency, permutation and combinations, Micro 

and Macro states, Thermodynamic probability, Entropy & probability  

Unit S-II: Classical Statistics and Quantum Statistics (12 Periods)

Phase space, Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution law, Quantum Statistics- Bose- Einstein 

Distribution law, Fermi- Dirac Distribution law, comparison of M. B., B.E. and F. D. statistics, 

Application of Quantum statistics to Photon gas and Electron gas. 

UNIT –III: Electromagnetic Theory and Maxwell’s Equations (11 Periods)i

Ampere’s Law and Steady State current, Generalization of Ampere’s Law and displacement 

current, Maxwell’s Equations, Derivation of Maxwell’s Equations, The electromagnetic Energy, 

and Poynting Vector, The wave Equation.

Unit IV: Relativity (10 Periods)

Introduction, frame of reference, , Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, Galilean 

Transformations, Lorentz Transformations, Length Contraction, Time dilation, Velocity 

addition, relativity of mass, Mass energy relation.


Books Recommended:

1. Heat Thermodynamics and statistical Physics – Brij Lal, Dr. N.Subrahmanyam, P. S. Hemne 

(Sultan Chand &Company Ltd).

2. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics- S.L.Kakani(Sultan Chand &Sons)

3. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical Thermodynamics – Sears and

Salinger, (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi)

4. Foundatin of Electromagnetic Theory – John R Reitz Frederic J. Milford ,(Narosa Publishing 

House, New Delhi

5. Classical Electrodynamics- Gupta Singh, Kumar , Pragati Prakashan Meerut.

6. Introduction to Electrodynamics- David J. Griffiths, Prentices Hall, India.

7. Perspectives of Modern physics – Arthur Beiser

B. Sc. Second Year (Semester – IV)

Optics and Lasers (Part-VIII)

Credits: 02 (Marks: 50)

Periods: 45

Unit–I: Geometrical Optics   (09 Periods)

Cardinal Points of an Optical System(six points), Coaxial Lens System (equivalent focal length 

and cardinal points), Huygens Eyepiece, Ramsden Eyepiece and their cardinal points, 

(Book 1) 

Unit–II: Interference and Diffraction: (14 Periods) 

Newton’s Rings, Determination of wavelength of Sodium light, Michelson Interferometer, 

Determination of wavelength of monochromatic light, Difference in wavelength between two 

neighboring spectral lines. 


Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, Fraunhofer’s diffraction due to single and double slit, Plane 

diffraction grating, Determination of wavelength of Sodium light, Rayleigh criterion, Resolving 

power of grating, Resolving power of Prism. (Book 1) 

Unit–III: Polarization (12 Periods) 

Polarization by Reflection, Brewster’s law, Malus law, Double refraction, Nicol prism, Nicol 

prism as an analyzer, Huygen’s explanation of double Refraction in Uniaxial crystals , Quarter 

wave plate, Half wave plate, Optical Activity , Specific rotation, Laurent’s half shade 

polarimeter. (Books 1 and 2) 

Units–IV: Lasers 

 (10 Periods)

Spontaneous & stimulated emission, absorption, Einstein coefficients (definitions), 

Population inversion, Optical & electrical pumping, Properties of lasers, He-Ne laser and diode 

laser, (Book 3) 



Unit I: Regulated Power supply :  (10 Periods)

Introduction, ordinary D. C. power supply, Voltage regulation, , Need of regulated power 

supply, Types of regulators, for low voltage, for high voltage, Zener diode voltage regulator,, 

Transistor series voltage regulator Series feedback voltage regulator short circuit protection, 

Transistor shunt voltage regulator, Definition of Line and Load regulation, Problems. 

(Book 1, 2 )

Unit–II: Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT):  (13Periods)

Transistor Connections: Common base, common emitter, common collector, Characteristics of 

common base, common emitter, common collector connections, transistor Load line Analysis, 

Operating point. Hybrid parameters (or h parameters) Determination of h-parameters, Analysis 

of common emitter amplifier and common using h-parameters (current gain, voltage gain, power 

gain, input resistance and output resistance) (Book 1,2,3)

Unit–III: Operational Amplifier:


Operational Amplifier, Basic circuit of differential amplifier, common Mode and differential 

mode signals, block diagram of Op-Amp, schematic symbol, ideal Characteristics, input offset 

voltage; input offset current, input bias current, input impedance, Output impedance, open loop 

gain, Slew rate, Inverting amplifier. (Book 2, 6) 

Unit IV: Sinusoidal Oscillators: (10 Periods)

Sinusoidal Oscillator, Types of sinusoidal Oscillators, Oscillatory circuit, Positive feedback 

Amplifier- Oscillator, Barkhausen Criterion,Hartley oscillator, Colpitt’s oscillator, R-C 

Network, Phase shift oscillator.


Transistor & Amplifier Notes 

Download All Topics Notes (Click Here) 



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