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Technical Trade (ITI)

After schooling, mostly everyone follow the same routine, i.e taking up any of the +2 courses, continuing their studies up to graduation or post graduation; or taking an entrance exam to get admission into medical/ engineering or any other professional field. But for those who are not too keen on taking up +2 after 10th standard, but want to get basic training skills in a trade, they have an option of taking up technical education provided by Industrial training institutes (ITI). 

Nowadays people are becoming more aware about the scope for technical education. The need for skilled personnel in various technical fields is increasing day by day, due to the changing economic and industrial scenario of the world. In India, the demand for man power labour has grown exponentially, by the rapid invasion of factories, ports and ships which results in the rise of numerous technical jobs. Here comes the significance of technical education which plays a vital role in creating skilled manpower for industries. Technical education is a diverse field providing courses and trades in the areas of engineering, technology, management, architecture, town planning, pharmacy, applied arts and crafts, hotel management, catering technology etc. 

Industrial Training Institutes (ITI's) and Industrial Training Centers (ITC's) are pioneers in the field of technical education which provide support i.e basic skills to an individual to become self reliant in the trade they choose. ITI's are government-run organisations whereas ITC's are privately-run training organisations, both operating under the general guidance of the Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET), Ministry of Labour & Employment, Union government of India. ITC's are self financing and provide same courses as that of ITI's. Courses in these institutes are designed to impart technical knowledge to the youngsters and offers training in engineering and non-engineering technical fields, such as in trades like electrician, machinist, fitter, plumber, turner, welder, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic, computer hardware etc. Trade Test or qualifying test for both ITI and ITC trainees are also common i.e All India Trade Test (AITT) 

Besides DGET, State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT) and National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) are also associated with the functioning of ITI's.

Technical Trade (ITI) : Eligibility & Course Areas

A pass in 10th standard (SSLC/ matriculation) or equivalent is the minimum eligibility required to obtain admission to ITI / ITC, that are made usually in the month of August every year.


The duration of the trade/ course may vary from one year to three years, depending on the field chosen.

Some of the courses/ trades offering in the ITI's/ ITC's are given below :

        Engineering Trades

  1. Architectural Assistant
  2. Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant)
  3. Building Maintenance
  4. Carpenter
  5. Draughtsman (Civil)
  6. Draughtsman (Mechanical)
  7. Electrician
  8. Electronic Mechanic
  9. Electroplater
  10. Fitter
  11. Foundry man
  12. Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance
  13. Instrument Mechanic
  14. Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
  15. Interior Decoration and Designing
  16. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)
  17. Lift Mechanic
  18. Machinist
  19. Machinist (Grinder)
  20. Maintenance Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
  21. Marine Engine Fitter
  22. Mason (Building Constructor)
  23. Mech. Communication Equipment Maintenance
  24. Mech. Repair & Maintenance of Heavy Vehicles
  25. Mech. Repair & Maintenance of Light Vehicles
  26. Mech. Repair & Maintenance of Two Wheelers
  27. Mechanic (Diesel)
  28. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)
  29. Mechanic (Radio & TV)
  30. Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioner)
  31. Mechanic (Tractor)
  32. Mechanic Agricultural Machinery
  33. Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics
  34. Mechanic Computer Hardware
  35. Mechanic Consumer Electronics
  36. Mechanic Industrial Electronics
  37. Mechanic Lens/Prism Grinding
  38. Mechanic Machine Tools Maintenance
  39. Mechanic Mechatronics
  40. Mechanic Medical Electronics
  41. Mechanic-cum-Operator Electronics Communication System
  42. Operator Advanced Machine Tools
  43. Painter General
  44. Physiotherapy Technician
  45. Plastic Processing Operator
  46. Plumber
  47. Pump Operator-cum-Mechanic
  48. Radiology Technician (Radio Diagnosis & Radiotherapy)
  49. Sanitary Hardware fitter
  50. Sheet Metal Worker
  51. Spinning Technician
  52. Surveyor
  53. Textile Mechatronics
  54. Tool & Die Maker (Dies & Moulds)
  55. Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures)
  56. Turner
  57. Vessel Navigator
  58. Welder (Gas and Electric)
  59. Weaving Technician
  60. Wireman

        Non- Engineering Trades

  1. Baker and Confectioner
  2. Cabin/Room Attendant
  3. Cane Willow and Bamboo Work
  4. Catering & Hospitality Assistant
  5. Computer Aided Embroidery & Needle Work
  6. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
  7. Corporate House Keeping
  8. Craftsman Food Production (General)
  9. Craftsman Food Production (Vegetarian)
  10. Creche Management
  11. Cutting & Sewing
  12. Dairying
  13. Data Entry Operator
  14. Dental Laboratory Technician
  15. Desk Top Publishing Operator
  16. Digital Photographer
  17. Domestic House Keeping
  18. Dress Making
  19. Driver Cum Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle)
  20. Embroidery and Needle Work
  21. Event Management Assistant
  22. Fashion Technology
  23. Floriculture & Landscaping
  24. Front Office Assistant
  25. Hair and Skin care
  26. Health Sanitary Inspector
  27. Horticulture
  28. Hospital House Keeping
  29. Hospital Waste Management
  30. Institution House Keeping
  31. Insurance Agent
  32. Leather Goods Maker
  33. Library & Information Science
  34. Litho – Offset Machine Minder
  35. Manufacture of Footwear
  36. Medical Transcription
  37. Multimedia Animation & Special Effect
  38. Network Technician
  39. Office Assistant cum Computer Operator
  40. Old Age Care
  41. Photographer
  42. Plate Maker-cum-Impositer
  43. Pre/Preparatory School Management (Assistant)
  44. Preservation of fruits and vegetables
  45. Process Cameraman
  46. Secretarial Practice
  47. Stenography (English)
  48. Stenography (Hindi)
  49. Steward
  50. Travel & Tour Assistant
  51. Textile Wet Processing Technician
  52. Tourist Guide
  53. Weaving of Silk and Woolen Fabrics
  54. Weaving of Woolen Fabrics

All the courses/ trades are affiliated to Director General of Employment and Training (DGET) and are conducted as per the curriculum prescribed by the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). Certain ITI's provide short term courses exclusively designed for overseas employment. 10th passed students to B.Tech students can utilize this course.

The trades in ITI are classified into several training schemes. Among the various training schemes, Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) and the Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are the most important that provide pre-employment training. CTS provides long term institutional training. As Training imparted in Institutions alone is not sufficient for acquisition of skills, it needs to be supplemented by training in the actual work place. ATS is a combination of institutional and on-the-job training that provides skilled manpower to the industry. 

Depending on the trade, educational qualifications for admission to ITIs under the CTS and ATS vary from class 8th to 12th grade and also the duration. CTS aims at producing semi-skilled workers and the pass out CTS trainees can enter into apprenticeship. The duration of ATS ranges from six months to four years and the graduate apprentices are considered as skilled workers.  

Qualifying Test : On completion of desired period of training under CTS and ATS, the candidates are qualified to appear in the All India Trade Test (AITT) conducted by NCVT (National Council for Vocational training). The test is conducted twice a year, October/ November and April/May. Successful candidates passing out AITT, are awarded the National Trade Certificate (NTC) and National Apprenticeship Certificates (NAC) in the concerning trade by NCVT. NTC and NAC are recognized qualification for recruitment to relevant posts and services in Central/ State Government establishments as well as in private and corporate sectors and industries.

Technical Trade (ITI) : Job Prospects & Career Options

After completing the engineering trading course in ITI, one can go for higher studies like diploma in engineering. There are also specialized short-term courses for certain trades, offered in Advanced Training Institutes (ATI's), which enhances the skills of candidates. Most industries/ companies accept ITI graduates only as apprentices and they train them for a period of 6 months to 1-2 years, depending on the company. They may be considered suitable for employment only after the training period. Reputed ITI's and ITC's have their own placement cells and candidates after completing their trades may be directly recruited to the companies. 

Based on the trade opted, ITI qualified candidates can apply for jobs in the private sector and public sector. Electronics, welder, refrigeration and air-conditioner mechanic trade are the trades in ITI's, which are most in demand. Since electronics is the basic of almost every field, it has got a vast scope. Electronic mechanic trade graduates can find opportunities in Information technology firms and in the manufacturing units of electronics equipment. Both welders and air-conditioner mechanics have much scope in India and Abroad. The major job openings of an A/C mechanic are in the different sections of the Public Service Commission (PSC) and in railways, as technicians, instructors etc. Opportunities for fitters are immense in on shore and off shore areas such as oil and gas, factories, shipyards etc. Those with electrician trade can find openings in the electricity board / department for which the recruitment is through PSC (Public service Commission) Exams.

Job opportunities are also available in government organizations like Indian Army, Indian Navy, Air force, Railways, Telecom and paramilitary forces like BSF (Border Security Force), CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) etc. Besides these, ITI passed out candidates can find self employment by setting up their own garage, winding shops, fabrication shops etc.


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