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NEST 2022

NEST 2022 Merit List preparation
This section lists rules employed for the preparation of merit list in National Entrance
Screening Test (NEST) 2022.




Please refer to the instruction sheet (the ‘How to Apply Online’ tab on
for details regarding the application process.
Admit card: The admit card for NEST 2022 will be available for downloading from June 06,
2022. Admit cards will NOT be dispatched to any applicant. Applicants must download
their admit cards from NEST website (after login). The download link will be available only
till the day of the examination.
Address for correspondence:
Any NEST 2022 related queries be addressed to:
by postal mail:
Chief Coordinator, NEST 2022
UM-DAE CEBS, Nalanda Building, University of Mumbai,
Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098, India
by e-mail to: a quicker response email is recommended)
The official website of NEST 2022 is:
Important Dates:
• Start of Online application for NEST 2022: February 21, 2022
• Closing of Online application: May 18, 2022 (midnight)
• Download of Admit Card begins: June 06, 2022
• NEST 2022 examination: June 18, 2022
(Hours of examination: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM & 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM)
• Announcement of results on NEST website: July 05, 2022
Important things to remember:
✔ Candidates must reach the examination venue at least 90 minutes before the start of
the examination.
✔ Candidates will NOT be allowed to enter the examination hall any later than half an
hour (30 minutes) after the start of the examination, i.e. 9:30 AM in the first session &
3:00 PM in the second session.
✔ Candidates will be allowed to leave the examination hall no sooner than two hours
after the start of the examination, i.e. 11.00 AM for first session & 4.30 PM for second
session (except when required by medical emergencies).
✔ Candidates MUST bring their Admit Card and a valid photo Identity Card to the
examination hall.
✔ Use of log tables and calculators in the examination hall is not allowed. Candidates
must bring their own blue/black pen.



I. Scoring system
1. In the NEST 2022 examination, there are four sections of 50 marks each.
2. NEST 2022 entrance examination will be conducted in two sessions and different sets
of question papers will be used for each session. The percentile score will be
calculated on the basis of the relative performance of all the qualified candidates in
the respective session. The highest score in each session will be 100
th percentile.
3. Merit lists for NISER and CEBS will be prepared separately.
4. During preparation of the merit list, the three best scores from the four sections will be
considered. In other words, the worst score among the four sections would be
discarded for the merit list calculation.
5. As merit list calculation will be performed on marks obtained in the best three sections,
the ‘total’ marks for NEST 2022 becomes 150.
II. ‘Section–wise’ Minimum Admissible Score (SMAS) or section-wise cut–off marks
1. Total score of each candidate will be the sum of his/her best three scores out of the
four sections.
2. For each section, “20% of the average of the best 100 scores in that section” will be
considered as Section–wise Minimum Admissible Score (SMAS).
For example, if the average of the best 100 scores in Chemistry section is 40 out of 50, then
SMAS for Chemistry section would be 40*0.20 = 8 marks. Similarly, for other sections.
3. SMAS for different sections can obviously be of different numerical value.
4. SMAS for the two sessions, for any particular section, can obviously be of different
numerical value.
5. SMAS for OBC students would be 90% of respective SMAS for general category
For example, if in the Chemistry section the SMAS is 8 for general category students, then SMAS for OBC
students would be 7 (90% of 8, rounded off).
6. SMAS for SC/ST/Divyangjan students would be 50% of respective SMAS for general
category students.
For example, if in the Chemistry section the SMAS is 8 for general category students, then SMAS for
SC/ST/Divyangjan students would be 4 (50% of 8).
III. Overall cut-off or Minimum Admissible Percentile (MAP)
1. In addition to SMAS, a candidate is required to score equal to or above a total
Minimum Admissible Percentile (MAP), to get a merit rank.
i. MAP for NEST 2022 is 95 percentile for general category candidates.


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