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When was the 1st Exam Conducted By CBSE?

There is always a curiosity in many students who are studying in a CBSE affiliated school or just a general curiosity among many people who have heard much about CBSE to know the year when for the first time CBSE held board exam for class 10th and to see the paper of that year.


Well, worrynot as we have all the details you nee. Just scroll down deep into the past of the biggest education board in India.


Government of India in 1920s  suggested two alternatives for the consideration of the Administration of Princely States in Rajputana, Central India, and Gwalior. One suggestion was to set up a joint Board for all the areas concerned and the other was to have a separate Board for each of the areas thus affected.


The formation of the Board represented a bold experiment in interstate integration and cooperation in the important sphere of secondary education. In his inaugural address at the first meeting of the Board held at Ajmer on August 12, 1929, the then Chief Commissioner of Ajmer-Merwara and Controlling Authority of the Board, had aptly observed : "It is a particular pleasure to me to note that the formation of the Board, apart from being a great step in the furtherance and advancement of education in Rajputana and Central India, constitutes, in addition, a happy instance of unanimous cooperation among the Indian States, who have joined in our labors.”


The establishment of the Board led to rapid growth and expansion of secondary education in the vast territories comprising the princely States in Rajputana, Central India, Gwalior, Ajmer, and Merwara. The Board also did creditable work on improving the quality and standard of education in the institutions recognized by it through periodical inspections carried out on its behalf by competent and experienced inspectors.


The First Examination  Cinducted By CBSE

The Board conducted for the first time the High School Examination and Intermediate Examinations in Arts and Science in the year 1930. It had 70 High Schools and 12 Intermediate Colleges at the beginning, but the number of recognized institutions increased rapidly from year to year and by 1940, the Board had recognized 124 High Schools and 20 Colleges. By 1947 the number of recognized High Schools rose to 201 and that of Colleges to 42. Similarly, the number of examinees which was 3091 in 1930 rose to 6412 in 1940 and 13770 in 1947.

The year 1977 witnessed the first all India Secondary School Examination and 1979, the All India Senior School Certificate Examination. In the year 1982, the CBSE developed a pioneering curriculum in Computer Education which spelt the genesis of a revolution in this field.


Hope you got what you were searching for.


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