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B.Sc Nursing Vs B.Pharma A Complete Analysis

 B.Sc Nursing is a four-year undergraduate programme focused on knowledge and skills pertaining to the nursing field. It equips students for patient care.

B. Pharma is a four-year undergraduate programme, which trains students to manufacture and dispense drugs.


For the B.Sc nursing course, aspirants should have a 10 plus 2 or equivalent qualification in the science stream with English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as compulsory subjects. For B.Pharma, candidates are expected to have English, Physics or Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects, along with the 10 plus 2 or equivalent qualification.

Course Structures

Topics in the B.Sc Nursing curriculum include: English, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, biochemistry, nursing foundation, psychology, introduction to computers, sociology, pharmacology, pathology, genetics, medical surgical nursing, community health nursing, microbiology, environment science, child health nursing, mental health nursing, communicational and educational technology, midwifery and obstetrical nursing, nursing research and management of nursing service and education.

Human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical microbiology, pharmacology, pharmacy practice and clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutics, biotechnology, pharmaceutics jurisprudence and ethics, industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical industrial management, remedial mathematics or biology, basic computer applications, communication skills, and environmental science are the core courses in the B.Pharma course.

Job opportunities

Students with the B.Sc. Nursing degree can become medical coders, medical writers, clinical researchers, alongside becoming a nurse in government and private hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and health departments. They can also choose to work as a nurse abroad, and each country has their own tests and selection procedure for the same.

B. Pharmacy students can work as pharmacists in government and private hospitals, clinics and health departments. Additionally, they can also be a drug inspector, chemist or druggist, and a quality control and manufacturing chemist. The course provides the opportunity to open an own manufacturing unit as well.


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