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Indian Army


Indian Army

The Indian Army is one of the largest in the world, with a history going back several hundred years. It was during the British era, that a Military Department very similar to the present Ministry of Defence was set up but, with most of the senior positions occupied by the British. It was after Independence, on 14th January 1949, the Army had its first Indian Commander-in-Chief, General (later Field Marshal) KM Cariappa. The army headquarters is located in Sena Bhavan and portions of the south block of the Red fort in Delhi. 

Armed Forces offer excellent career opportunities to the adventurous young candidates. It is a career that offers immense facilities, a privileged lifestyle and of course, honour in serving the country. The Armed Forces characterize the ideals of service, sacrifice, patriotism and our country's composite culture. The basic responsibility of the Army is to safeguard the territorial integrity of the nation against external aggression. In addition, the Army is often required to assist the civil administration during internal security disturbances and in the maintenance of law and order, in organising relief operations during natural calamities like floods, earthquakes and cyclones and in the maintenance of essential services.

The two main lines of work in the armed forces are categorised under the Fighting Forces and the Support Services. The fighting forces comprise the armoured corps, artillery, signals, engineering and the infantry (and similar divisions in the navy and air force), while the Support Services include electronics and mechanical engineering, ordinance corps, medical corps, intelligence and education.

The Indian Army functions under the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), formerly designated as Commander-in-Chief. COAS is assisted by Vice - Chief of the army staff and seven other Principal Staff Officers (PSO's), namely, the two Deputy Chiefs of the Army Staff, Adjutant General, Quarter Master General, Master General of Ordnance, Military Secretary and Engineer- in- Chief. 

The Army is divided into six operational commands (Field armies) and one training command, each command under a General Officer Commanding in chief who has an equal status to the Vice-Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS), and working under the control of Army HQ in New Delhi. The major field formations are Corps, Division and Brigade which are commanded by a Lieutenant General, Major General and Brigadier respectively.

The Indian Army is organised into five regional commands

  • HQ Central Command, Lucknow ;
  • HQ Eastern Command, Calcutta ;
  • HQ Northern Command, Udhampur;
  • HQ Western Command, Chandimandir; and
  • HQ Southern Command, Pune.

In addition, there is a Army Training Command at Shimla for the purpose of laying down the training policies for the Army.

The Indian Armed Forces employ more than a million young men and women each year. One can join the Army as an officer or an Army Man. The recruitment to the Armed Forces is voluntary and every citizen of India, irrespective of his caste, class, religion and community is eligible for recruitment, provided he meets the laid down physical, medical and educational criteria. Recruitment into the Army is carried out according to Recruitable Male Population (RMP) of each state.


Indian Army Officer

As an officer in the Indian Army, you will be part of one of the world's finest Armies. A career in the Army will teach you to face the toughest of situations in life with panache you have never known before.

Two broad ways are available for those wishing to join the army as commissioned officers. They are permanent Commission and Short Service Commission. A permanent commission is for those who want to make a career in the army until retirement, while a short-service commission allows you to join on a five-year contractual basis, after which you can exercise the option to continue or not.


Permanent Commission

Recruitment of Commissioned Officers in the Armed Forces is mainly through the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) under Permanent Commission. For Technical Branches, Women special entry scheme and NCC special entry scheme and service, recruitment is made directly through the respective Recruiting Directorates for the Army under Short Service Commission.

The permanent commission provides opportunities for men with 10+2 /Intermediate, graduates and engineering graduates as officers. 

10+2 (Through NDA)

One has to take an entry level exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to join NDA (National Defence Academy). This exam is conducted twice a year in all major cities throughout India. It is restricted to boys between the ages of 16 1/2 and 19. The months of commencement of the course each year is January and July. Applications are to be sent in response to the advertisement which will be published in leading newspapers during March /April. NDA exam conducted by UPSC is based on the CBSE syllabus. Those who clear the written exam go through a five-day interview process with the State Selection Board. On completion of the NDA course, candidates are sent to the respective service academies for their pre- commission training. The IMA (Indian Military Academy) trains Gentlemen Cadets (GCs) for commission into the Army. More details of NDA exam

Graduates (Direct Entry)

The UPSC holds an all-India competitive examination, known as the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE), twice a year for University graduates or equivalent. Successful candidates can join Indian Military Academy for their pre- commission training after the interview conducted by the Service Selection Board and if finally selected, depending on their merit list ranking, are sent to Indian Military Academy.  Candidate should be in the age of 19-24. The course commences each year in the month of January and July. Interested candidates can apply in response to advertisement in March /April & Oct. Nov.  To know the eligibility, selection, application and Syllabus of the CDSE exam in detail, Click here

Engineering Graduates (Direct Entry)

An Engineering graduate can join the Indian Military Academy directly. They only need to attend the Service Selection Board interview. Age at the time of joining should be between 20-27 years. The course commences every year in the month of January and July. One can apply directly to Addl. Directorate  General of Recruiting (TGC), Army HQ, West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi -110066 in response to advertisement published in March/April & Oct./Nov.

University Entry Scheme

Students who are in final and pre-final years of engineering degree course can also apply to Indian army as an officer. They are eligible for induction into technical branches/services of the army as commissioned officers under the University Entry Scheme. Age should be between 19-25 years for final year engineering students and 18-24 for pre-final year engineering students. Month of commencement of course in each year is July. Selection is Based on campus interview and Service Selection Board (SSB) interview. Applications should be sent in response to the advertisement published in July.

10+2 PCM (Tech)

There is an another option for 10+2 PCM (Tech) candidates through which one can enter directly to Indian Military Academy. Age limit falls between 161/2-191/2 years. Month of commencement of course in each year is January and July. One has to apply directly to the Recruitment Directorate in May and November. 

Other recruitments

Government has approved the creation of a 6,000 strong Support Cadre of Special Commissioned Officers. These posts will be filled up by eligible Junior Commisioned Officers (JCO) and OR. Under this entry, serving JCOS/NCOs/OR in age group of 30-35 years, with an Army Senior School Certificate Pass (Class XI CBSE Pattern) Qualification, will be eligible for commission after screening /selection through Service Selection Board and Medical Board. They will undergo a pre-commission training of one year duration. The officers so commissioned will earn promotion up to the rank of Colonel. The rules for substantive promotion and acting promotion will be the same as for regular officers. These officers will be employed in units as sub unit Cadres/ QM JOb/ERE appointment etc. up to the rank of Major. They will retire at the age of 57 years after serving about 20-25 years as officers. 

Medical graduates from the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune are directly inducted as permanent Commissioned Medical officers in the Armed Forces. For recruitment of Regular Commissioned /Short Service Commissioned Medical Officers from the graduates /Post graduates of Civil Medical Colleges, the Director General of the Armed forces Medical services conducts an all India competitive exam.

Short Service Commission

Indian army has an alternative career, called short service commission which gives an option of joining in the Indian Army and serving as a Commissioned officer for 5 years. The short-service commission is for those who are not certain about committing to a permanent position in the forces.  At the end of the period, you are allowed to opt for a permanent commission. Alternatively you can also choose for another 5 years and also can choose to resign from your post at any time during this period. The short-service commission is also open to women. 

Officers Training Academy 

Short Service Commission facilitates recruitment of qualified technical graduates through the SSBs, to attend the Officers training Academy (OTA), Chennai, after medical tests, for a ten month course. Candidate should be in the age group of 19-24. The course commences each year in the month of May and Oct/Nov. Interested candidates should apply in response to advertisement published in March /April and Oct. /Nov.  On completion of training, the successful candidates are inducted as Short Service Commissioned Officers in the technical branches of the army.

Women's Special Entry Scheme

Women recruits are usually taken into the support services, with a large number serving as medical officers and nurses. The WSES for officers offers non-technical, technical and specialist entry for unmarried females or issueless widow or divorcee candidates not below 19 years and above 27 years and having B A, B Com, BCA, B Sc in physics, chemistry and maths with a minimum aggregate of 60 per cent and above marks. Moreover, students with 50 per cent marks and holders of NCC `C' certificates with `B' or higher grade can also apply in this category.

For Technical Entry BE, B Tech or equivalent or a higher qualification in civil or electrical or mechanical or electronics engineering, computer science, telecommunications engineering and architecture is needed. Specialist entry is for those with 50 per cent marks in:

* Graduate B Sc with a minimum one-year diploma in computer science
* Graduate with a minimum one-year diploma in communication or journalism or public relations or psychology
* B E in remote sensing
* P G degree in earth science/ computer science/ English/ geography/ maths/ physics/ computer applications/ botany/ zoology/ biochemistry/ organic chemistry or statistics

Month of commencement of course in each year is March and September. Selection is based on written exam and  SSB Interview and medical examination. Candidates should apply directly in response to advertisement in June/December. Women officers receive training at Officers Training Academy, Chennai. 

In women special entry scheme, the initial contractual period is five years but in case any candidate is found unfit or unsuitable within first six months, her commission can be terminated any time before the expiry of the five year period. The scheme further provides that all the lady Officers granted commission under this scheme would serve the Indian Army for a period of five years from the date of grant of Commission subject to fulfillment of other conditions. In addition, the lady officers carry reserve liability to serve the Indian Army for a period of five years plus two years on voluntary basis, or upto 37 years of age, whichever is earlier. It means that after their release, the lady Officers remain on reserve for five years and can be recalled for duty during this period in case of emergencies. This period could be extended by two more years if the Officer so desires or upto 37 years of age, whichever is earlier. WSES(O), however, does not have any provision for permanent commission, although this matter is said to be under consideration of the Government of India. Lady Officers in the two entries other than WSES(O), like AMC, ADC, etc, however, have the provision for permanent commission.

The advertisement for recruitment of lady Officers under the WSES(O) appears from time to time as per requirement, normally twice every year in most of the national and important regional newspapers. The candidates are required to apply to the Additional Directorate General of Recruiting (Women Entry Section), West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. Short-listing of eligible candidates is done at the Additional Directorate level and the short-listed candidates are then required to appear before the Service Selection Board (SSB). The selected candidates are then required to undergo a medical examination which is usually done by a special Medical Board at the nearest Military Hospital. The broad indications of medical standards are that the height and weight should not be less than 36 kgs and 142 cms respectively for women candidates. Corrected distance vision should be at least 6/6 for better eye and 6/18 for the worse eye and Myopia of not more than minus 5.5 D including

NCC Special Entry Scheme
Unmarried male graduates from a recognised university with a total of 50 per cent marks and above and between 19 and 25 years of age who have obtained a minimum of `B' Grade in NCC `C' Certificate may apply for Short Service Commission. These graduates are exempted from appearing in the CDSE conducted by the UPSC and are selected through the Service Selection Boards in Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore. The course commences in May each year. Candidate should be in 19-25 years. Apply directly  and the initial short listing of applications will be done at Additional directorate General recruiting, Army Headquarters. Candidates short listed will be called for SSB interview by Additional directorate General of Recruiting. Candidates recommended by the Service Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a board of service medical Board.

Short Service Commission Technical

Short Service commission (Technical) giving opportunities to unmarried Male engineering graduates. Educational qualification of the candidate should be a degree in Engineering or equivalent degree from a recognised University in Civil /Electrical/ Mechanical/ Tele- Communication/ Electrical & Electronics/ Computer Science/ Engineering/ Technology/ Architect/ Industrial/ Production (c). Candidates who are yet to pass the Technical Degree examination can also apply but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree/Provisional Degree certificate to Recruiting Directorate (TGC Entry), West Block-III, RK Puram, New Delhi-110 066. Age limit is 20-27 years. 

The selection process includes initial screening and the short-listing of applicants will be done at the Recruiting Directorate of the Army headquarters. Those short-listed will be required to appear before the Service Selection Board (SSB) where they will have to undergo group test, psychological test and interview. Candidates who qualify at the SSB and are found medically fit by a Medical Board will be placed in the order of merit. The final selection will be made in that order up to the number of vacancies available at that time. Selected candidates for Short Service Commission (Technical) will be sent to the Officers' Training Academy, Chennai. The training last for 49 weeks at government expense.

Officers will be required to serve for five years and may be considered for grant of permanent commission thereafter as per existing rules.


Service Benefits

Pay and Ranking

Stipend during Training

Rs. 8000/- per month to all IMA (Indian Military Academy) & OTA Gentlemen Cadets


Basic Pay
RankStartYearly IncrementMaximum
Lt Colonel1350040017100
Major General1840050022400
Lt General2240052524500
Vice Chief of Army Staff and Army Commanders26000 Fixed
Chief of Army Staff30000 Fixed

Rank Pay

Lt Colonel1600


  • Dearness Allowance (DA) : As declared from time to time by Govt. of India
  • Counter Insurgency/Field/High Altitude Allowance as applicable
  • Kit Maintenance Allowance
  • City Compensatory Allowance
  • Transportation Allowance
  • Aviation Allowance To those eligible
  • Specialist/Technical Pay To those eligible.


  • Subsidised Accommodation
  • Free Rations
  • Free Medical Treatment
  • Insurance worth 8 Lakhs through Army Group Insurance Fund (AGIF)
  • Conveyance Allowance
  • House Building Allowance
  • Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facilities
  • Membership of Clubs and Institutes at subsidised rates
  • Leave
    . 60 Days Annual Leave
    . 20 Days Casual Leave


  • Free Railway Warrant for self and family during Annual Leave (Upto 1500 km)
  • Leave Travel Concession (LTC)
  • Six Form D (concession vouchers, 40% concession) during a calendar year
  • Rail Reservations through the Movement Control Office (MCO)


  • BA/BSC/BCA degree to NDA Cadets
  • Career Courses as applicable to all
  • Study leave with full pay to entitled officers
  • Specialist courses for Technical Officers
  • Staff/Technical Courses for selected officers
  • Management courses for senior officers


Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities Golf, Tennis, Squash, Aquatics Hockey, Football, Basketball, Athletics 

Adventure Activities

Mountaineering, Skiing, River rafting, Gliding, Hot air ballooning, Trekking and many more.


Other Ranks in Indian Army :

Recruitment in Army for Other Ranks is broad based. Every male citizen, irrespective of caste, class, religion and domicile, is eligible for recruitment in the Army, provided the person meets the laid down age, educational, physical and medical standards. It s carried out according to the Recruitable Male Population (RMP) of each state. RMP of a state is reckoned to be 10 percent of male population of the state.  A new system of recruitment has been introduced with effect from 1 April 1998. Under the revised system, recruitment of Jawans in the Army is carried out through Open recruitment rallies planned well in advance, keeping in view the geographical, demographical and topographical considerations. At least one such rally is held each month, combining districts, areas and regions, depending up on the response anticipated. Advance publicity is made of a rally in particular area / district  

Territorial Army Territorial Army is an organization of units formed by ordinary citizens from all walks of life who generally, while continuing to pursue their normal vocations also volunteer for military service. These citizens on joining the Territorial Army undergo a short period of rigorous training, which makes them reasonably competent soldiers. They join their units for two months every year for refresher training to keep in touch with the art of soldering. Whenever a need arises, personnel of the Territorial Army are called up for active service and join their units within a specified time frame. Territorial army have participated in wars along with the regular Indian Army. They have been raised to maintain essential services like Railways, Oil sector  and Medical (Departmental Units) during emergencies. Some units formed for national development tasks lie re-afforestation and reclamation of wasteland have rendered commendable services.

Eligibility :

Soldier General DutySSLC/Matric16-21 Years
Soldier TechnicalSSLC/Matric (Maths, English & Science) 45% aggregate
marks in Class Xth
16-23 Years
Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper TechnicalSSLC/Matric (English & Maths) 45% aggregate 
marks in Class Xth
16-23 Years
Soldier Nursing
SSLC/Matric (Maths, English & Biology) 45% aggregate 
marks in Class Xth
16-23 Years

Soldier Tradesman



(i) General Duties
(ii) Specified Duties
Non Matric
Non Matric
16-20 Years
16-25 Years

Havildar Education



(i) Group 'X'Post Graduate/ Trained Graduate20-25 Years
(ii) Group 'y'BA/B.Sc.(Matric with English & Maths)16-25 Years
Religious Teacher
Graduate in any discipline
In addition, qualification in his own religious denomination
27-34 Years
JCO (Catering)10+2 with science and one Year cookery diploma/certificate 
from a recognised Food Craft Institute.
21-27 Years
Surveyor Automated
BA/BSc with Maths having passed Matric & 12th (10+2) 
with Maths & Science
20-25 Years

Note : Dispensation in Education for enrollment as Sol (GD) is permissible to some selected States/Region/Class & Communities by the Govt. Details may be obtained from nearest BRO/ZROPhysical Standards The Minimum physical standards have been laid down region wise and are as follows :-  

RegionStatesHeight (cms.)Weight (cms.)Chest (cms.)
Western Himalayan RegionJ&K, HP, Punjab Hills (Area South & West of the Inter state Border between HP & Punjab and North and east of road of Mukerian,
Hoshiarpur, Garhshankar, Ropar & Chandigarh), Garhwal & Kumaon regions of UP.  
Eastern Himalayan RegionNagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Hill Region of West Bengal 
(Darjeeling Gangtok and Kalimpong Districs)
Western Plains RegionPunjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi Rajasthan and 
Western (UP) (Meerut and Agra Division)
170  5077
Eastern Plains RegionEastern UP, Bihar West Bengal and Orissa1695077
Central RegionMadhya Pradesh, Gujarat Maharashtra, Dadar, Nagar-Haveli,
Daman and Diu
Southern RegionAndhra Pradesh, Karnataka Tamil Nadu, Kerala, 
Goa And Pondicherry

Special Physical Standards

Region- States- CategoryHeight (CMS)Weight (Kgs)Chest (CMS)
Gorkhas both Nepalese and Indians1574877
Andaman, Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Group including Minicoy:- Settlers1655077
Tribals of recognised tribal areas1624877
Brigade of the Guards1735077
Med Arty1705077
Corps of Military Police1735077
Clerks GD/SKT1625077

Soldier Tradesmen - Normal Physical Standards given above minus 2 CMS in height, 1 cm in Chest and 2 Kgs in Weight. The following are eligible for relaxations in physical standards.

Candidate ProfileHeight (cms.)Weight (cms.)Chest (cms.)
(a) Candidates between 16 to 18 years of age121
(b) Sons of Servicemen/Ex-Servicemen/War Widows/ Widows of Ex-Servicemen.221
(c) Adopted son/son-in-law of a War Widow, if she has no son.221
(d) Outstanding sportsmen (National/State level sportsmen and those who have represented District / College / School in State / University / Board Championship and earned 1st /2nd position.)253



Selection :

How to Apply

All recruitments are done only through rallies. Please contact your nearest Branch Recruiting Office/Zonal Recruiting Office for details. Rally schedule is also published in leading vernacular newspapers/Employment News. Report to rally site on the dates announced on Notice Board along with your Educational Certificate, Birth Certificate (in original) domicile certificate, character certificate and six passport size photographs.

Physical Fitness Tests (PFT)  

To determine the Physical Fitness, the following tests carrying 100 marks are held :-
(a) 1 Mile Run
(b) Pull Ups
(c) Balance
(d) 9 Feet Ditch 

Marking system is as follows :- 
(a) 1 Mile Run 
(i) 5.40 Mins and below - 60 Mks
(ii) 5.41 Mins to 5.50 - 48 Mks
(iii) 5.51 Mins to 6.00 - 36 Mks
(iv) 6.01 Mins to 6.20 - 24 Mks 

(b) Pull Ups

(i) 10 and above - 40 Mks
(ii) 9 - 32 Mks
(iii) 8 - 28 Mks
(iv) 7 - 21 Mks
(v) 6 - 16 Mks 

(c) Balance & 9 Feet Ditch 

These are qualifying tests hence no marks are awarded. 

Written Examination  

Common Entrance Examination (CEE) is conduct on last Sundays of each month for recruitment of Soldiers.

 It comprises of following two papers : 

(a) Paper-I - Compulsory for all soldier categories
(b) Paper-II - For Sol. Technical, Sol. ClK (GD/SKT) and Sol. Nursing Assistant. 

PAPER-I It generally comprises of questions on IQ/Numerical ability general knowledge and current affairs. Duration of papers is 60 minutes. Total marks 100 Pass Marks 32.

PAPER-II Paper II (Sol Tech) - 50 marks. It generally comprises of Physics, Chemistry and Maths. Duration - 30minutes, Pass marks-16. 

Paper-II (Sol ClK/SKT) - 50 marks. It generally comprises of Maths & English (Language Proficiency) Duration - 30 minutes, Pass Marks-16. 

Paper-II (Sol Nursing Assistant) - 50 marks. It generally comprises of Chemistry, Botany & Biology, Duration - 30 minutes, Pass marks-16. 

Note : In addition to paper I, a Sol Tech, Sol Clk/SKT and Sol Nursing Assistant has to qualify in his respective paper NCC "C" Certificate holders seeking enrollment for Sol (GD) are exempted from appearing in written examination but have to fulfill other laid down criteria.


Service Benefits :

Pay and Allowances

A Sepoy gets a starting pay of Rs. 3050/- to 4650/- depending on the group he belongs to, besides DA, CCA & other allowances as admissible to the Central Govt. Employees.

Promotion Prospectus

A Sepoy can become a Commissioned Officer subject to certain conditions.

Other Benefits

Free ration, clothing, accommodation and allied services, field allowances as per rank & place. Medical treatment for self and family, Group Housing Scheme benefits, Army Group Insurance, Concessions for self, family and dependents besides sick/medical leave.

Recruitment Procedure

a) Checking of documents.
b) Physical measurements.
c) Physical fitness test.
d) Medical examination.
e) Written examination.
f) Preparation of merit list.
g) Enrollment and Dispatch of selected candidates in order of merit to Centres








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