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Homeopathy is said to treat both acute and chronic illnesses, unlike the traditional Allopathic treatments, which often cause side effects and sometimes relapse of the symptoms. It can also cure mental and emotional conditions developed after a prolonged exposure to trauma, bad personal experiences or a chronic illness. It can also cure genetic diseases and heal the patient from the aspects of both physiology and psychiatry. 

It is good for chronic illnesses, as it cures the patient and not the disease, so the patient gets rid of the malady once and forever. It was invented in Germany in 18th century. In this system, heavily diluted preparations of chemicals are administered to the patients that cause symptoms similar to the disease in the body of a healthy person. So, it stimulates the resistance of the body to cure itself. 

Current Scenario of Homeopathy

Homeopathy as an alternate medicine is growing so fast that there are more than 400 renowned Homeopathic Colleges in the world at the moment and millions of people worldwide use homeopathy to cure their illnesses. After a brief decline in the twentieth century due to surge in the research of allopathic medicine, it is gaining popularity with a great force nowadays. Partially, because allopathic system is proved to be very limited in certain diseases and it cures those diseases only temporarily.
More research is being done to make homeopathy a more reliable and accurate form of treatment. 


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